While society glamorizes the notion of burning the candle at both ends, the reality is that being tired all the time isn’t normal. Fatigue can be an indicator of a serious health issue. However, many people continue to plow forward while feeling depleted because they feel that exhaustion is a sign of weakness. At Functional and Metabolic Medicine of Colorado, we can help you figure out the cause of your symptoms. After conducting a full analysis of your health history and lifestyle, we can help you decide which tests are appropriate for measuring key health indicators related to your low energy levels.
Signs and Symptoms
Being fatigued is more than just feeling tired at times when people would understandably feel tired. It is a long-term, overwhelming feeling of being “spent” that doesn’t necessarily go away with proper rest. Common fatigue signs and symptoms include:
- Chronic tiredness.
- Overwhelming sleepiness.
- Headaches.
- Dizziness.
- Sore, aching muscles.
- Muscle weakness.
- Slowed reflexes.
- Slowed response times.
- Impaired judgment.
- Difficulty making decisions.
- Irritability.
- Reduced hand-to-eye coordination.
- Appetite loss.
- Reduced immune-system function.
- Blurry vision.
- Compromised short-term memory.
- Poor concentration.
- Hallucinations.
- Reduced motivation.
- Inability to focus on immediate situations.
Fatigue can also present as a general feeling that you’re simply not able to perform at your “normal” energy level. We often look at lifestyle factors when diagnosing fatigue-related conditions. Anyone who is experiencing the symptoms above while getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet could be experiencing illness-related exhaustion.
When to See a Doctor Because You’re Feeling Tired All the Time
It’s important to see a doctor right away if you’re experiencing fatigue. Your fatigue symptoms could be pointing to an underlying problem that needs to be addressed. At Functional and Metabolic Medicine of Colorado, we offer tests and screenings that can be helpful for understanding why you’re constantly fatigued.
What Are the Causes of Chronic Tiredness?
There are many reasons why a person might be fatigued. Underlying illnesses related to diabetes, heart disease, adrenal glands, anemia, infection and thyroid dysfunction could be influencing your energy levels. Lifestyle is also a common reason for fatigued feelings. Factors like lack of exercise, poor diet, poor sleeping habits, drug usage, certain medications and excessive alcohol can all impact energy levels. Workplace stress, shift work and burnout can also leave a person perpetually fatigued.
Risk Factors for Fatigued People
People who work overnight shifts are at higher risk for becoming fatigued. When we stay up all night after sleeping all day, the internal circadian clock that humans have relied on for determining “sleep” periods and “awake” periods for generations is thrown into disarray. Events like childbirth, surgery or big life changes all place a person at higher risk for being fatigued. Hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies and poor nutrient absorption can also be causing chronic exhaustion. Depression, anxiety, stress and grief are also considered risk factors.
The complications involved with being fatigued boil down to the cause of your tiredness. Ignored feelings of exhaustion can cause you to overlook a complex medical disorder tied to your heart, brain, immune system, thyroid, adrenal glands or digestive system. Being fatigued can also have serious consequences for your safety due to the fact that being constantly tired makes you more likely to make mistakes while driving. You may even be at risk for making dangerous and costly errors at your workplace.
Restore Your Energy With Help From a Functional Medicine Doctor in Colorado
Dr. Susan Sipay at Functional and Metabolic Medicine of Colorado specializes in helping people who are feeling fatigued treat the underlying factors that are preventing the body from functioning at optimal capacity. Far too many people put off getting help because they have been conditioned to believe that tiredness is synonymous with laziness. Let us help you find your energy again using a personalized plan for treating the root cause of your exhaustion. Call (720) 791-2911 or email sipaymd@functionalmetabolicmedicine.com today!

Ready for an expert opinion? Get in touch today!
When you work with Functional & Metabolic Medicine of Colorado, you’ll get the answers and personalized care you deserve. Book a FREE 15-minute phone call with Dr. Sipay to find out if our clinic is a good fit for you!
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