Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a sign of a physical or psychological condition with many different causes. While many people think of ED as being purely a “sexual health” problem, the reality is that ED can be an important health indicator. Erectile dysfunction is rarely an isolated condition. It often points to a larger health issue that needs to be addressed for your optimal long-term wellness. Of course, ED should still be treated even if it is an isolated condition.
Signs and Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction
ED can be a frustrating, embarrassing condition to live with. The primary symptom of this condition is an inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. However, not all men experience the same symptoms. There are actually degrees to ED. Here’s a look at the common signs and symptoms:
- Reduced sex drive.
- Sexual dysfunction.
- Trouble achieving an erection.
- Soft erections.
- Trouble maintaining an erection.
- Sexual anxiety.
Some men consistently experience ED symptoms. Others may have intermittent symptoms. Both situations can fit the parameters for an ED diagnosis.
When to See a Doctor About Erectile Dysfunction
There’s absolutely no reason to wait to see a doctor if you’re experiencing any kind of sexual dysfunction. This is a very important component of men’s health that should not be ignored. There’s one very specific reason why men should not put off seeing a doctor for erectile difficulties. There is a very strong link between erectile dysfunction and heart disease.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
Our patients are always asking why this condition has happened to them. There are actually many underlying causes for erectile difficulties. Contributing factors can vary by age. For instance, a younger man suffering with sexual dysfunction may be more likely to be dealing with a psychological component. However, there are many health conditions, lifestyle factors and medications that can increase your odds of developing this condition at any age. Here’s a look at some of the potential causes of an erectile disorder:
- Heart disease.
- Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis).
- High cholesterol.
- High blood pressure.
- Diabetes.
- Obesity.
- Metabolic syndrome.
- Parkinson’s disease.
- Multiple sclerosis (MS).
- Peyronie’s disease (soft-tissue scarring).
- Alcoholism.
- Substance abuse.
- Smoking/tobacco use.
- Sleep disorders.
- Surgical injuries affecting the pelvic area or spinal cord.
- Low testosterone.
- Depression and anxiety.
- Stress.
- Relationship problems.
- Certain medications.
Each cause requires a personalized approach to treatment. In many cases, addressing the underlying health issue that is preventing the blood flow necessary to achieve erections could be enough to treat the condition. However, some patients may need to consider treatments that include hormone balancing, medications or counseling.
Risk Factors for Erectile Dysfunction
Age is the biggest risk factor for this condition. Men over the age of 40 are more likely to develop erectile problems. The risk increases for every decade. However, common risk factors for men of all ages include type 2 diabetes, prostate problems, hypogonadism, high blood pressure, vascular disease and high cholesterol.
Complications of Erectile Dysfunction
Dissatisfaction with life is one of the most common complications of an erectile disorder. Living with erectile difficulties can create frustration, shame, embracement and loss of connection with a partner. Not getting treatment could allow serious issues like heart disease, prostate cancer, kidney disease, vascular disease or a testosterone deficiency to go untreated. In many cases, difficulty achieving erections should be viewed as a symptom instead of a standalone condition. This is exactly the perspective of functional medicine!
Get Help From an Erectile Disorder Doctor Near Denver, Colorado
At Functional and Metabolic Medicine of Colorado, we treat erectile disorders as part of our whole-body approach to wellness. While it’s common for men to turn to quick-fix solutions to achieve erections, the reality is that these options don’t provide the long-term correction needed to enjoy full, sustained erections for a healthy sex life. What’s more, focusing only on the immediate problem can cause you to ignore an important underlying health issue that needs to be balanced out for better male health. Book an appointment today!

Ready for an expert opinion? Get in touch today!
When you work with Functional & Metabolic Medicine of Colorado, you’ll get the answers and personalized care you deserve. Book a FREE 15-minute phone call with Dr. Sipay to find out if our clinic is a good fit for you!
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