What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is a response to stress that often occurs following prolonged periods of extreme physical, mental or emotional taxation. During periods of extreme stress, the adrenal glands will increase cortisol release until they can no longer produce the cortisol levels needed for balanced, optimal body function. Many people who experience adrenal burnout describe it as being a deep, whole-body “crash” that occurs after a period of prolonged stress and activity. While the diagnosis of adrenal fatigue is considered somewhat controversial, patients of Dr. Sipay here at Functional and Metabolic Medicine of Colorado in Littleton are often relieved to finally have their symptoms taken seriously. Pinning down an adrenal diagnosis often comes down to understanding the interconnections among a collection of different symptoms.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue?

Many people with adrenal exhaustion know that “something” is wrong. It’s common to feel like your vitality has been zapped when dealing with the chronic and persistent symptoms of this stress-triggered condition. The most common symptoms of adrenal burnout include:

  • Fatigue or exhaustion.
  • Nervousness.
  • Body aches.
  • Weight loss.
  • Disrupted sleep.
  • Sleeplessness.
  • Digestive issues.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Lightheadedness.
  • Loss of body hair.
  • Skin discoloration.
  • Sugar cravings.
  • A dependency on caffeine, sugar or other substances for “energy.”

Many people also feel that they are living with emotional or mental “dullness” when suffering from adrenal deterioration. Some have trouble drumming up emotions, enthusiasm or willpower. It’s very common to have difficulty waking up in the morning.

When to See a Doctor for Adrenal Burnout

It’s so important to see a doctor if you’re dealing with symptoms like chronic fatigue and exhaustion. While there are other medical conditions or nutritional deficiencies that could be behind your symptoms, adrenal burnout is something to look at closely if you’re experiencing tiredness, loss of energy, body pain, weight loss or any of the other common symptoms associated with this condition. Unfortunately, many people living with adrenal symptoms don’t have success with their regular primary care doctors. Very few ever get a proper diagnosis. In many cases, doctors attribute the symptoms of adrenal depletion to stress or depression instead of investigating the underlying biochemical causes. The fact that many people experience adrenal depletion after going through periods of extreme stress only increases the odds of care providers dismissing symptoms as being “psychological” instead of physical. It’s important not to give up hope when care providers draw the conclusion that symptoms are purely “in your head.” A holistic care approach like functional medicine can be a light at the end of the tunnel for many who are desperate for answers.

Causes of Adrenal Fatigue

The adrenal glands are small organs located just above your kidneys. These glands release cortisol and adrenaline in response to stress. This is actually important for sharpening your response during times when you need a quick reaction in the face of danger. However, stressful life events can “hijack” the adrenals by causing them to release stress-response hormones continuously for long periods of time. Being locked in a “flight or fight” response eventually causes the adrenals to “burn out.” This places the body in a state of adrenal deficiency that leads to a low-cortisol state that is mostly characterized by fatigue, weakness and lack of energy.

Risk Factors for Adrenal Issues

While anyone can develop adrenal burnout, people who have recently gone through high-stress situations are at greater risk. Many people experience adrenal depletion following the death of a loved one, a traumatizing life event or a big life change. Adrenal fatigue can also be caused by work-related stress. All forms of stress can tax the adrenals.

Complications of Adrenal Exhaustion

Untreated adrenal issues can greatly reduce quality of life. The lack of energy, sleeplessness and nervousness that are so common with adrenal burnout can lead to depression and anxiety. In addition, many people simply stop taking care of their health due to lack of energy and motivation. Some people also find that the “low” feeling of adrenal burnout causes them to become dependent on large amounts of caffeinated drinks and sugary, high-fat foods just to get short bursts of energy.

See a Colorado Functional Medicine Doctor Near Denver for Your Adrenal Issue

Get the answers and personalized care you deserve from a functional medicine doctor in Littleton, Colorado. At Functional and Metabolic Medicine of Colorado, we know that adrenal burnout can cause you to experience the lowest of lows. Our integrated approach to medicine is focused on treating the underlying cause of your symptoms.

Book your consultation today!